Saturday, January 26, 2008

Day Seven

In case anyone wonders what I do for a living now, the image on the right shows a knitted sweater I sketched day before yesterday on my CAD program. I also created the print, and the company I work for will be presenting it to a buyer to see if they are interested in mass producing the print.

I really enjoy my job. :)

It has been a full week since Tony left. I feel like I'm roaming around in this strange level between being married and living with someone, and a strange single life I feel like I should have left behind. Not that I am acting single; its just when you suddenly live by yourself again after living with your husband/best friend, it feels very strange. You start to develop a sense of independence again you thought was gone. You eat when you want. You throw your underwear on the floor when you want. You play whatever music you want and as loud as you want. Some of these things I'm just filling in a scenario because I would never trade any of these things for Tony. The joy he has given me, and the love and excitement I feel when he is around trumps playing music you like any day.

So with that said, I have developed somewhat of a routine rather quickly. It involves waking up on my own, taking Kiko to my parents' house in the morning, driving to work, working all day, and then picking Kiko back up, driving home, and finishing out the evening. That usually means I go to the gym, eat dinner, watch CSI, talk to Tony briefly on the phone, and then go to sleep. A view variables change here and there, but that is the gist of what I have done the past week.

Pretty soon, I'll be adding night-class into that routine. Geesh....

There is one perk to this whole crazy decision to let my husband leave for four months: Kiko gets to sleep in the bed with me. :)


Tony said...

the snow is hard from being frozen - with a very thin layer of powder on top! I tried to build a snowman named Ashley, but it was too hard, and wouldn't mold to snowman form...and my hands froze. I'm SO glad I took the neck scarf thingy! and I like looking like a ninja.

I'm glad you're happy about kiko sleeping in the bed ;-)

alice-anne said...

you sound like a busy girl! goodness! oh...and i would TOTALLY buy that sweater.

Tammie's Thoughts said...

What a great designer!